The Shift


Thanks so much to all of you who attended the Yoga and Meditation Workshop over the weekend.  Your presence at these events makes them possible.  It was so nice to see Ani Desal so well recieved.  I’ve been getting great feedback and we’re looking forward to the next workshop on November 22’nd at Yoga and Nia for Life, 12:30pm.  Following Meditation and Yoga class will be live music/Kirtan featuring Prajna and guests.   I’m very excited to co teach with these very talented people.

I’m heading out soon to our Fall Retreat, a great group of people getting together for a weekend of practice and renewal.  After retreat, I’ll be spending a few days at Ananda Ashram.  I’ve arranged some excellent substitue teachers to cover my classes next week. 

I’ve heard good things about this film, thanks to Danielle for the pointer:



I’ll see you in class soon, Om Shanti


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