Zombie Yoga

Happy Halloween!  Only By Popular demand…

I’m posting the Zombie Yoga video.   I sent it to a few Yogis, and now everyone wants to see it.  To publicize a new book, an invite to "Dress like a zombie and bring a Yoga mat to Central park in NY."  was sent out.  A bunch of NYC Zombies showed up.  They filmed the zombie practice and posted it on Utube.  Might be a bit squeamish for some, think Michael Jackson Thriller video gone bad…   

P.S.  There’s some room left in the November Yoga workshop on the 22′nd in W. Concord.  There’s live Kirtan music starting at 2:30.

Maria is hosting a potluck dinner afterwards, and then I’ll be screening a movie 6’ish.  I’m zeroing in on just the right film, and this will kick off movie nights at YNFL. Send in suggetsions for films you’d like to see!

P.S.S  Yes, I think it was a new record at Lumina on Tuesday night!

2 thoughts on “Zombie Yoga”

  1. Pingback: Scary Yoga and Lessons from Zombies | YogaBodyNews

  2. Found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you. -Y

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