Yoga Music

Yoga and music go hand in hand, in fact, there’s a whole lineage of Yoga called Nadam Yoga which is the Yoga science of sound. I’m careful in selecting music for class, it must be high in quality, have a meditative feel, without being too distracting to our focus. I just love finding new cd’s in my mailbox to play in class and review for you all. Lately you’ve been hearing:

music for yoga -  Gurunam Singh

Silent Moonlight Meditation by Gurunam Singh

Gurunam covers a wide swath of tempo and feel here in Moonlight. From mellow – devotional and traditional to lively energy raising modern beats. You’ll find Jai Te Gung and Naam real nice to practice Sun Salutations to. Mainly sung in Sanskrit, Gurunam’s voice is smooth and melodic on the Kundalini Mantras, and the instruments are tastefully arranged. I really like the liner notes, with the lyrics and Mantras printed in Sanskrit and English. Click on the link above to hear samples of this beautiful disc. Many thanks to Jeanne at Spirit Voyage for sharing this with us.  

ty burhoe illumination cd tabla music - music for yoga

Illumination from Tala Records.  

A tasteful selection of Tabla drum beats woven in with Bansuri flute. Steve Gorn, Manose, and Ty Burhoe create unobtrusive music that can captivate, or serve as a backdrop to a more focused practice. “Rising Sun” is nice and long, and varies tempo smoothly. The dual flutes on Radiant Heart” are sweet, enthralling. I love the other releases I’ve heard from Tala records, and their must visit website. Thanks so much Ty, for all your efforts in bringing this beautiful music to our lives.

In the works, I’ve got several books, a Yoga Documentary, a Yoga towel for kids, and even a Nutritional cleanse kit that I’m just starting on. Reviews will be up real soon.

Om Shanti, -j

p.s.  Restorative Yoga next week, New Years Eve Yoga, and many updates to the events page

4 thoughts on “Yoga Music”

  1. Thanks for these reviews, John! I recently bought Silent Moonlight Meditation and have been incorporating it into my practice and teaching as well.
    One quick note – the language that Gurunam is singing in is actually Gurmukhi, not Sanskrit. There’s more information about each mantra on Spirit Voyage (click See Mantra Info next to each song title), for those who are interested:

    1. Hey Liz, great to hear from you, and thanks for the clarification on the language! there are so many spoken in India, and they all seem to draw from the Sanskrit roots, Like Sat and Nam and Guru.

      hope you’re well !


    2. Hey Liz, great to hear from you, and thanks for the clarification on the language! there are so many spoken in India, and they all seem to draw from the Sanskrit roots, Like Sat and Nam and Guru. I’ll read up on Gurumukh.

      hope you’re well !


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