Yoga In The News

I’ve missed you all, and sure missed teaching our classes.

I’ve been asked so many questions about India, most of which have no easy answer.
I wouldn’t say that India transformed me, but she did expand me.

John in RIshikesh, looking for drinking water, my bill was too large to get change.

In the picture above I’m wandering Rishikesh with the equivalent of a $20 bill. I couldn’t find a shop that can make change for a bottle of water, it’s all I’ve got and I’m thirsty. I remember laughing about being rich, and poor at the same time.  

The man in the brown coat behind me had just literally saved my life.  I wish I had given him my thousand rupees. There should be some sort of exchange for something like that right?

My mind’s thresholds of what is possible have been completely blown away, and the limits 
have not settled yet, will they ever?

But, I still have my center, and it’s a nice place to begin again.

I have an incredible logjam of experience to share with you all as I decompress.

Here’s a start though, A bit mindless from malaria pills, and without sleep for two days, a reporter called from the Metrowest Daily News. There’s a story about our classes and my travels in India slated for todays paper.  They even took a few pictures of 
the Tuesday night class!  I just found the link to the story

I’ve been taking a poll on how high Yoga students are scoring on this Happiness Quiz  Let me know how you do!

we’ll post the results.

See you in class, oh, and the Events page is updated, check out the Valentines Day class, and the return of Restorative Yoga.  


P.S.  I finally got water, Swami Sathasivom smiled at my predicament and gave me 20 rupees to quench my thirst. I secretly gifted the big bill went to a driver who took really good care of me in Assam, was more than several months pay for him.

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