when have you been this happy?

Okay, When is the last time you've been this happy?  I'll go first in the comments section.

Click on the comments link above and share with us your happy moment?



P.S.   Rachel is coming this Sunday the 17th to play her Beautiful Cello for our 9am class. Words can't describe her etherial sounds, hope you can join us!  Please come a little early?  -j

4 thoughts on “when have you been this happy?”


    Okay, hmmm, what comes to mind first is walking in the woods after Yoga class last thanksgiving day, it was a stunning day, and the forest air was infused with the scents of fall. Just the sounds of crunching of leaves underfoot, along with bird sound was the backdrop.  

    I was reflecting on the class I had just taught to a full room of eager students, and how fortunate, privileged, and grateful  I am to teach….  to do what I love for people who love what I do.  thank you!

    My tattered paper bag was heavy with about 6 pounds of perfect Oyster mushrooms to share with my friends later, and was high on a slope harvesting just a few more when my feet slipped out from under me, Bam! I went down on my shoulder, hearing a loud pop, which brought a sudden – searing bolt of pain as I slid down the leave covered hill.

    Lying at the bottom of the hill,….I realized that I was laughing… even this couldn't get me down that day…  Imagine you're doing the chicken dance, you know, that very odd wedding reception tradition… well, with just one arm….  being on a steep slope, as my feet slid out, I landed slope side with that arm folded, and up by my ear. crunch. ouch.

    Here we are, mid February and I'm just starting to improve my mobility.  sigh, these things take time. oh, and the mushrooms were amazing and I found out I can cook lefty!  

    Thanks for coming to class, I 'm there cause you are.


  2. Today! Walking with my sweet dog in the snowy woods: enjoying the beautiful light, the sounds of the birds (blue birds!!!) and watching him bound with endless joy just for the heck of it. Doesn't get any better.

  3. I was wondering what happened to your shoulder, John!!  Ouch!  Take it easy – I know you will – and heal well.  
    I miss my beautiful Golden who passed last October, who loved to bound with endless joy, too, anonymous.  Enjoy each moment. 
    What a beautiful video of the elk calf!!!   The bliss of nature revealed.  Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Hey Deanna, I hurt my shoulder sliding on a steep slope out hiking in the woods. I hit pretty hard and tore my shoulder in two places. All healed now, with full range of motion back… phew! thanks for your well-wishes! -j

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