
Required reading for anyone who has a body:  

Waking: A Memoir

A paraplegic Yoga teacher with much to share.  I’ll be re-reading this book next time I feel challenged.

From the web review:

Matthew’s mental awareness–as a result of a spinal cord injury–was literally knocked out of the lower two-thirds of his body. While doctors were able to keep him alive, he was not given the tools to reconnect his mind to his paralyzed body.

Matthew describes how for years after the devastating accident, from the chest down, he experiences a “schism” or “a form of silence” between his mind and his body. During his first months in the hospital and later periods in intensive care units there was so much pain that leaving his body became a survival skill. These experiences alone catapulted Matthew into unknown territory when it comes to understanding the mind and body.

From this understanding Matthew begins to practice, and eventually teach Iyengar Yoga.
Take care, I’ll see you in class.


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