Karnamrita Dasi
I have the best news to share with you! This coming Sunday, October 23rd. Karnamrita Dasi will be singing for our 9am morning Yoga class.
I have the best news to share with you! This coming Sunday, October 23rd. Karnamrita Dasi will be singing for our 9am morning Yoga class.
Here’s 9 fresh ideas that are sure to keep your practice steady, or spark up a stale practice…
9 ideas to spark up your practice Read More »
Whatever it takes to get us to the mat… The busier life gets, the more important Yoga becomes, and while crib notes may work for politicians, there are better ways to get your Om on. Sri Brahmananda Saraswati would say “Practice 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening, how hard is
The teachings are clear, and very simple. We tend to become what we do all the time.
Wether that is good news or bad, depends on how we practice, how much are we really present for?
The Journey and the Destination Read More »
Just back from our annual Fall retreat. Many thanks to those who could join us. Sprit Fire is amazing. Not an austere event by any means! in between focused classes and workshops we feasted on gourmet vegetarian food, Much of it organically grown on site. Yes, there’s coffee in the morning, and decadent snacks in between classes. It was a joy to teach, we had a great group.
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