During the course of a 90 minute Yoga class about 27 billion of your cells will perish, and around the same amound will be regenerated… And what are the raw materials for these new cells?
During the course of a 90 minute Yoga class about 27 billion of your cells will perish, and around the same amound will be regenerated… And what are the raw materials for these new cells?
Every few thousand years, a good book comes along. Patanjali, often called the father of classical yoga was the first known person to gather the knowledge of Yoga and write it down, penning the Yoga Sutras. See this list of must-have translations, and a video of Krishnamacharya practicing at 50 years old in 1938.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras Read More »
It’s not an accident that our postures are named for things the ancients noticed in their natural world. We ‘do’ the tree pose to awaken the qualities of tree in ourselves. Strength and suppleness, our ability to reach high, from a very grounded place… Our ability to selflessly provide food and shelter for others.
What’s your least favorite Yoga posture, What’s your pet peeve?, Who irritates you the most? These are gold nuggets of opportunity. They are your teacher, they are your Guru Sakshat. If you slow down, and allow them to
Patience Is Golden Read More »
John Philp was kind enough to send me a copy of his documentary Yoga, INC. to review for you all. John’s film addresses the sideshow that our national Yoga scene has become, Yoga (asana) competitions, lawsuits, franchises, infideliity and sexual misconduct. Here’s a short clip: