reduce your junk mail

Tree Knot

         For Yogis, everyday is Earth-Day.  

From the light of awareness we can see clearly how our choices, no matter how small or large, are either part of the problem, or part of the solution.  The good news is, We can each substantially lessen our impact on this world with minimal effort.  

Did you know that if we all chose to eat just one meatless meal, one day a week, it would be like taking 500,000 cars off the road?  This is the power of our forks and knives, and what is good for the planet is good for us as well.

Recycling your junk mail is noble, but not getting it in the first place keeps the trees where they belong.

Catalog Choice is a free service that nixed most of the catalog type junk mail I was getting. It's quick, super-easy, and effective way to save trees and fuel, and a sure-way to improve your tree pose.  

To create exponential change, forward this post to your friends, asking them to forward it.  

              Print one page to help save millions!

Print out their Earth-Day Poster and hang it up, help your community reduce junk-mail and lets keep some of our trees around.

Happy Earth Day – Make sound choices, not just for today…

Om Shanti,


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