Pom Wonderful Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice antioxidant

Molly over at Pom Wonderful sent me a case of their pomegranate juice to try out, and tell you all about.  I’m sure you’ve heard of pomegranates. My Mom would buy them for us as a treat around Thanksgiving time, We called them Indian Apples.  Prying the seeds from the bitter rind was fun, and there was the sweet/tart reward. 

POM has spent $25 million on research, and the juice doesn’t just taste good, but has many health benefits.  "and the concentrated Polyphenols make it the most potent antioxidant in nature."  According to Michael Davidson M.D.

If you’re curious, you can check out the health benefits, recipes, and more at Molly’s Pom Blog

No longer just a treat, and we no longer have to peel, the juice can be had in most stores.  I like it cold with a splash of seltzer.  I’ll see if I can get us some coupons.

Much appreciated Molly, and if you need a second opinion you’ve got my address! 

               So much Kirtan happening this month

March 14, Wah’s concert to benefit Amma, the Hugging Saint.

March 20, Krishna Das is in Cambridge

March 21, Kirtan with Prajna, Shubal, and Ashara at the Arlington Center. 

March 22, Hanuman Chalisa at Prajna’s on the 22’nd.  phew.   

April 4, Satsang with John and guests, details to follow

April 5, Kirtan with Ashara in Topsfield – 978-887-9708

I’d love to see Wah! again, but I’ll be at the temple for a special Narayan – Lakshmi Puja.

March is a big month for Rama as well, the 26’th in particular.  We’ll talk about Rama at The Sping Equinox Class on the 21’st, check the Events page for the scoop.

Om Shanti,


2 thoughts on “Pom Wonderful Pomegranate Juice”

  1. Love the POM! But if you want the full pomegranate experience, eat the seeds whole. I saw on Martha Stewart a quick way to get those little buggers out of the rind: Cut the pomegranate in half and whack on them with a wodden spoon, into a nice big bowl (or they’ll be all over your floor). They look like little jewels, don’t they! Yum!

  2. Thanks Meera,

    I dig the seeds too, There’s a diagram that makes sense on the Pom Website, where if you slice the top off, the top view shows four sections, score the rind along those sections and your Pom will break open into sections, no whacking needed? I’ll let you know next time I have one in hand.

    take care,


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