Holiday schedule of classes


The Winter farm share began last week, On Thursday night I picked up my half bushel of fresh organic veggies next door to the Yoga studio. A few more expressed interest in this 23 week share which sources from the whole east coast. Yes, organic greens and fruit in January!  This was my kitchen counter back in the summer at peak season:

Winter CSA share next to the yoga studio in West Concord

Between the food I get from the CSA and my monthly order from Vitacost, (see the post: how a Yoga teacher shops) I’ve lowered my food costs while incorporating more and more organic and pesticide free foods. 

Sudbury Yoga at the Dancers Workshop on Rt. 20

Sunday December 16th, at 4pm We’ll gather at The Dancers Workshop, 100 Boston Post Rd for a focused Yoga class on cultivating presence. Hope you can join us! I rent the studio for this one, your contribution is $15 or what you can afford.

Live Music Yoga

Tom Lena will play and sing for our Sunday morning Yoga class on December 30th. Glad to have Tom back!

I’ve got some great musicians lined up for the New Year, including Lisa, Nina, Irene, Rachel on her Cello, hopefully Deanna and Renee. perhaps we’ll have the Harp again. Let me know who you want to come back?

Holiday Yoga Schedule

Christmas Eve and New Years Eve fall on a Monday, so we’ll have a 9am yoga class on those days in West Concord.

Christmas Day we’ll gather at 9am for class in West Concord

New Years Day we’ll sleep in a little and begin at 10:15 in West Concord.

In gratitude,


p.s.  If you need or know anybody who needs interior painting done, My friend Karl is accepting more work out this way and less in the cambridge area. He does great work, and I hear his rates are very good as well. You can reach Karl at 617-529-3173  Thanks. -j

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