For the fist time ever a Humpback whale has been observed leaping fully out of the water.


This time of year when I am not teaching, I’m either out in my gardens, tending to the bird houses and feeders, or out on my bicycle riding the rail trails. I have the intentions of reaching out to you through this blog and by email, but seldom wish to sit in front of the computer. Sorry, I will try to share more often as I have great pictures of the bluebirds nesting season to show you. To be sure you don’t miss anything, there’s a sign up box in the upper right, note that you have to open the email that this website will send you, and click a link to complete the signup process.

A friend sent me this incredible video of the fist time a Humpback whale has been observed leaping fully out of the water.

If you’ve not been to class in a while, please know that all of our classes have mellowed some, and people are invited to find
their own pace – some taking it more easy, and others digging a little deeper. Our Thursday classes tend to be the smaller ones, and the Thursday 5:30pm that’s been going on for about 15 years now has become tiny. We’ve got the AC in West Concord and class can be a welcoming oasis on the steamy summer days to come, and a respite from our busy world. You might even still have tickets in the file box, class tickets never expire and you can freely share them with others.

Peace, and happy Summer!


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