Yoga Retreat

 I’ve got a great guest-commentary about Vinyasa yoga coming from my friend Daniel, a NYC Yoga Teacher and writer.  I’m in the midst of formatting it, and will share as soon as I can. 

Just back from our annual Fall retreat.  Many thanks to those who could join us.  Sprit Fire is amazing. Not an austere event by any means!  in between focused classes and workshops we feasted on gourmet vegetarian food, Much of it organically grown on site. Yes, there’s coffee in the morning, and decadent snacks in between classes.  It was a joy to teach, we had a great group.  A full house, sorry for those on the waiting list, but as-promised, you’re first in line for our retreat in May, There’s been a tremendous response to the pre-invite and I’m doing my best to arrange for a second spring weekend to accommodate us all.  

I’ll get that Vinyasa article up very soon.

In humble gratitude, it’s so great to see you all in class.



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