Yoga For Kids

It’s no surprise that kids love to practice Yoga. Here’s a few resources that may help you introduce Yoga to a curious child:

Renee Sherkness has sent me a review copy of her new Childrens Yoga book: Stories That Come Alive Through Yoga. I had fun reviewing the stories, looking at the great illustrations, and her suggestions for introducing a Yoga practice to children. (ages four to eleven). Her method of teaching also allows the adult teacher enter the child’s world of possibility. Thanks Renee! You can take a look at her book: Stories That Come Alive Through Yoga.

Mitch’s Yoga Journey:

Satori Ebedes of SeYoga for Kids sent me a copy of her Yoga book and audio cd for Children. Her whimsical book comes wtih a nicely made practice towel that illustrates Mitch’s’ journey through the red rocks of Sedona Arizona.’ A more basic approach than Renee’s book, and probably more appropriate for a younger range of children. to get a better look, vist Satori on the web.


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