Xray Yoga video

By john calabria:


Michelle shared this great Yoga video with me, it’s a short medical imaging project showing x-rays of a person flowing through some Yoga postures. I’m sure this will be seen by many Yogis!  Enjoy:

In Sanskrit, Sat means truth, and Sangha means gathering, or community, therefore Satsang means a gathering of truth seekers.

And we’ll do just that this coming Friday February 28th from 7pm to 8:30 at Yoga and Nia for Life. 135 Commonwealth Ave, West Concord.

A Satsang is like a Yoga class without the postures, Where a teaching is given, that is then meditated on, But unlike a Yoga class, there’s room for dialog, and questions, as we grow in understanding, together.

It’s sort of a Yoga teacher training experience… without the formality. If you like the stories I tell in class to convey themes sometimes, then you’ll find Satsang fruitful. This is also a co-creatinon. If you have a poem, a song, a perspective. Some bring instruments, some bring stillness.

If you teach Yoga please come, perhaps deepen your understanding, and maybe share perspectives from your lineage on the subject at hand. We’ve got filtered water and heaps of blankets to sit on, though you may want to bring your own cushion.

I hope to continue this tradition monthly, and have our Satsang be a container for offering music, mantras, meditations, potlucks, guest teachers, posture clinics, films that convey yogic themes, Kirtan, and any ideas you may have as well. Please do me a favor, can you forward this to any friends who may be interested?

Who knows? Perhaps this becomes the teacher training program that many of you have been asking me to develop.

Our Satsang will be by donation, there’ll be a hat at the door.

Peace, Many thanks for your ongoing support, and I hope you can join us.


P.S. Our second Sunday Noon class in Maynard/Acton with the amazing river view is off to a great start, Click to see our Grandmother Tree that inspires our Vrkshasana, tree pose.

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