How a Yoga Teacher Shops

Free food from vitacost We can live very-well, and also stretch our dollars far by making smart choices. For years now, I've been buying much of my brand name food, teas, bars, superfoods, grains, soaps, toothpaste, cleaners, oils, and supplements online from Vitacost.

Their prices are *great*, their selection is vast, I get free shipping, and customer service is just the best. Yes, companies like this still do exist. So, why do we deal with the ones that don't treat us as nicely?

I wish they would teach Verizon a thing or two! A few clicks, and one to two times a month, and I get a big box from them. So simple. I would pay more for this kind of service…. but the kicker is, their prices are *much lower* than whole foods, and the shipping is free.

I also support the local health food store, and farmers market in season for my fresh veggies, a few stops a week and my shopping is complete. Here's just one instance: I pay under 5 dollars for 100 good quality organic green teabags. (yeah, I drink a lot of tea.)

A great deal: They just started this great referral program, for a limited time they are offering a no-strings attached ten-dollar coupon for your first purchase. I hope you can pardon the commercial nature of this post, but I only endorse what I personally use, and I know you'll love this company as much as I do. You'll save time and money. It's gets better, (for me!)

When you place your first order, they credit my account with a bonus as well. Win-Win-Win, I don't expect this offer to last long. To get ten-dollars off your first order (and keep a Yoga teacher flush with tea-bags) click on this link to signup: —->  Vitacost Free Food New Customer Signup Promotion.

Like I said, no strings,  no hype, just good prices and great service. I only spread the word for products and services that I use myself. Enjoy! and let me know how you make out

Thanks Vitacost, Keep up the great work and low prices, I'll be sure to send everyone your way. Please Help us spread the word, encouraging more reasonable food prices.

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Om Shanti, I'll see you in class. -john P.S.  Bindy's playing her singing bowls for our Monday 4pm class. Please come early so we can start right on time. Check the events page for more info, and the scoop on Thanksgiving weekend.

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