Tree of Life

Our Yoga community is teeming with such gifted and connected artists. I just had to share Jill C's latest painting of Tree Pose:

Now that's embodying your posture! Jill and her husband Bob practice with us on Sunday mornings in our peaceful 9AM Yoga class.

I love practicing, and teaching Vrkshasana, Tree pose. It's so rich with visualizations, symbolism, and connection to our earth – and all her inhabitants. Om Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.

Thanks so much Jill, I love it! If you've got something you'd like to share with us, please send it along, I'll do my best to make some space for it. Columbus Day will stay on our regular schedule. 

Om Shanti,


p.s.  I just added a 'spin the wheel' link to the left hand column. Each click returns a random post from the archives. Give it a click and see where it takes you!    

3 thoughts on “Tree of Life”

  1. Jill,   Thank you for bringing your Tree of Life painting into the studio today.
    It is a beautiful and thoughtful expression of your creativity.  It inspires me to find ways to express my blossoming creativity.  Namaste, Bettina

  2. Pingback: Jan 4, 2015, Turquoise Evolution Update | Tangerine Evolution Blog

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