The Harmonica Man

Meet Andy Mackie – The Harmonica Man. After many heart surgeries and dire warnings, Andy went off all medications and started teaching children to play music. He thrived for 13 years and left a legacy of over 25,000 new musicians: 

Your greatest strengths, your finest qualities… are not yours. They exist for helping others. What if we all lived our passions as fully as Andy did? What if you started today?

Love this life. Please share this with a friend or two, and click the 'like' button below if you're on Facebook. Thanks!

Om Shanti, I'll see you in class.  -j

P.S. If you're around this coming Sunday, Kaeza Fern will be singing and playing original melodies for our 9am Fathers Day Yoga class in West Concord. The following Sunday on the 24th, I'll be teaching a 4pm focus class at Lumina in Sudbury. Might be the last one till Fall.  -j

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