Stop And Smell The Spring Rolls

The offerings at the sprawling Waltham Mills open studios were intriguing, but the scene bordered on chaotic. An ocean of hopeful creatives trying to take in so much art that the shuffle through the myriad of offerings took on a brisk quality.

“Just a few more studios to go” became our Mantra.

Having more than our fill, and running on fumes, We escaped into the crisp Fall air, making a bee line through the park for The Elephant Walk.

This Cambodian restaurant is renowned for their tasty make-your-own spring rolls, (which I could already taste.) In fact I was so far ahead of myself that I almost missed the leaves:

Mindful Yoga Classes Concord Mass

The beauty stopped me short in my tracks. Late sun slicing through the still-clinging leaves had set afire the fallen ones, a carpet of sundrenched color: beyond vibrant reds, bursting yellows, deep and pale greens. Natures effortless creation.

Hers is the true ‘open studio.’

I soaked up the scene with all my senses, including P’s patient smile as she tolerated my spontaneous photo shoot of the leaves, shadows, and one old-man squirrel – quite amused by me, a mere tourist in his world of the moment.

Even in this urban setting, a tiny pocket of nature provides an opportunity to pause and nourish ourselves, to fill the creative well.

Next week I’m taking a few days to slow down and immerse myself in stillness, practice, and time in nature. I’ll see you on Monday the 28th, and have lined up some great subs you’re sure to enjoy for Tuesday – Wednesday and Thursday’s classes.  (Tue-Taylor, Wed=Linda, Thur=Linda/Sidone)  I’l be sure to return for Sunday with tales from the moment.

Oh yeah, When we finally got to the restaurant, it was closed! Yes, in this case the journey was much more satisfying than the destination.

I hope you can get outside and enjoy your surroundings. Click on the comments link and share your favorite fall walk. If you don’t have one… find one. Or I’d be glad to share one of mine!

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for your support and presence in classes over the past year, the opportunity to share this practice with you, to teach what I love… to those who love what I teach. Our Yoga community in Concord is thriving and I thank you for that.

This weekend, we’ve got a special Friday 8:30am class, and Live Music Yoga with Tom Lena playing guitar for us on Sunday. Check the events page to find out more.

Om Shanti, I’ll see you in class.


P.S. I just got off the phone with Brice at Sirius Community, our Spring Yoga Retreat is officially on for the weekend of May 18th 2012. Space will be limited, reply to this note to be on the pre-registration list. You’ll get the details first.

3 thoughts on “Stop And Smell The Spring Rolls”

  1. Beautiful!! I “iron” fall leaves between waxed paper and send them to my daughter on the west coast. This year she sent me some from her neighborhood. They are in beautiful red tones, and are now hanging from my glass sliding door in the wood stove room.


  2. My favorite Fall walk, all seasons really, is at Garden in the Woods in Framingham. The Garden is usually closed in Winter but I just learned it will be open during the week, weather permitting, for members only (a great reason to join!) starting Dec 1.

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