Smiletrain Yoga benefit class

Smiletrain Cleft Palate

I’m very excited about the Smiletrain benefit at Mystic Fitness on Saturday July 26th 5:30pm !!  Smiletrain performs surgeries on children born with cleft palates in developing countries. 100% of income directly funds surgeries.

We’re going to fill the room, and with 100% of this classes proceeds going to
the charity, we’re hoping to raise enough for several surgeries.  how about 10 ?
The suggested donation for class is $15 to $20.  Please come join us!
Some very generous donations have been coming in from some of you who cannot make it to class, thanks so much for your contribution torwards our goal !!  Rememeber, 100% goes directly to the aid of the children.
You can send a tax deductable check for any amount, made out to and mail it to me:
john calabria, 33 waltham st, maynard, ma 01754.   
I’ll mail ’em all in together and we’ll collectively share in the Karma of
helping these children. I’m so glad that Shiva’s story became a happy beginning.
To take our Yoga to the next level, we must make space for it…
we must get out of the way.  The best way I’ve found to do this is
to make an offering of the practice, offer your practice up to a person,
place, thing, or idea outside of yourself and see your practice soar.
On this day we can make an immeasurable difference.
Come support us in this noble effort, and please, please, please
pass this invite along ?
Thanks so much to Amy at Mystic Fitness for donating the space !

5 thoughts on “Smiletrain Yoga benefit class”

  1. two more donations today ! over 30% of the first surgery is
    funded already! 8)

    I’ve been asked what style the class will be…. All levels, a
    meditative flow class. You’ll feel great after… and Amy’s providing
    free snacks afterwards!


  2. Big news, we’re changing the goal! We’re well over 4 surgeries paid
    for. With more pledges rolling in we’re very close to a 5’th surgery.

    My humble and profound thanks to you all. Please continue to spread
    the word.


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  4. Hi John,

    Greetings from Smile Train! I saw what you were doing on the 26th and wanted to thank you on behalf of Smile Train for your generous efforts to raise money. Your donations will go to help give these children not just new smiles, but a second chance at life. If you need anything from me, please dont hesitate to email or call.

    Also, if you use Facebook, I encourage you to post your event on our Smile Train page so others can see when it will be. The link is:

    I would love to hear from you. Best of luck, and with your help, we are changing the world, one smile at a time.

    Alex Judd
    Donor Relations Associate

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