Musicians In Crete – Memorial Day Schedule

I was having a small bite to eat at the most beautiful taverna in a western Crete port village, And coming up the ancient cobblestone street was a man playing a violin so sweetly. Other musicians started peeling out of shops and restaurants to join him, As villagers spilled out of their homes and I dropped some money on the table and joined the procession.musicians in crete

The parade grew to dozens of musicians and several hundred people as we wound through the streets stopping to honor their friends restaurants and shops. This man below… singing his heart out.musicians in crete

For several hours we walked and with impromptu dances breaking out at the village squares. All car traffic was halted, and the drivers were happy! I asked if it was a holiday, nope, Turns out that this tradition stems from when a young man wanted to woo his lover, he’d gather all his friends to play music under her window to try and win her over. They just sing for the love of singing about love. Scroll down a bit for the video…Greece music

I’ve never been with such joyful people as on Crete, and do hope to return there soon.

For Memorial day we’ll gather for a 9am Yoga class in West Concord, ​please come a bit early, and if you come to a roadblock for the Concord parade, the policeman will let you through if you say you’re going to Yoga class. Hope that you have a great long weekend, and I’ll see you soon.



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