Jivamukti Yoga


This weekend I'll be heading out to Woodstock NY to spend time with my teachers David Life and Sharon Gannon.

David and Sharon are longtime yogis and founders of the Jivamukti style of Yoga.  Jiva means soul, and Mukti means liberation.  The Jivamukti yogi practices to become liberated in this lifetime, and to help all beings be free of suffering.  Next time you are in NY city, head up to Union Square and visit their beautiful Yoga studio.

So next week I'll be having some wonderful substitue teachers cover our classes. Jyoti will be teaching the Monday 4pm Yoga and Nia for life class in Cocnord, the Tuesday 6:30pm Lumina class in Wayland, and the Wednesday Bosse classes in Sudbury.  Linda Seik will be teaching the Thursday 5:30pm Yoga class in West Concord. 

The Monday Half Moon Hill class in Acton, and the Thursday 9am Maynard class will not be held next week.

I've got some great workshops planned for the fall, and there are still a few spots open in our Fall Yoga Retreat in western Mass.  I'm looking forward to sharing what I learn when I get back, and hear how nice your classes with Jyoti and Linda were.

Om Shanti,  I'll see you in class.


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