January Happenings

yoga classes in west concord


Thanks to all who came out for our holiday classes! and of course the ones in-between. A quick note to let you know what's happening this month:

This Sunday Jan 13th at 4pm, We'll gather at Dancers Workshop for an all levels Yoga class focusing on putting our very best into the world. The Sanskrit word for this is Seva.

I've put a great soundtrack together for this one. Please help spread the word, and I Hope you can join us. 100 Boston Post Rd, right behind the papa ginos on rt 20 and next door to Karma Coffee.

Sunday Jan 20th at 9am in West Concord, Live Music Yoga with Nina Vecchi and Lisa Nuttal. You'll hear etherial singing bowls, soaring vocals, guitar and harmoniums as a backdrop to our Sunday Yoga practice. Nina and Lisa will become one of your favorites I'm sure. (Next month Rachel Adams returns with her beautiful Cello Feb 17th…)

Class Raffle: This Month, one lucky Yogi will win a free Massage by a gifted Massage Therapist – Nicole Meyer. Nicole offers her Deep Tissue, Swedish, and Trigger Point Muscular Therapy in a few area locations. If you can't wait till month end to win, contact Nicole at 978-228-1170, or email her at nmeyermassage@gmail.com Thanks Nicole!  (fill out a raffle entry for each class you take in concord…and good luck!)

Our Monday AM Class at Half Moon Hill in west Acton has restarted, this is a great solar powered room overlooking conservation land. Right around the corner from Idylwilde farm, Usually a smaller, quieter class, we get started at 9:30am.

Once you turn onto half moon hill bear left up the hill, it's the second parking area on the right. straight ahead to the right is the common house with a wooden ramp leading to the front door. we'll be in there.

Many thanks for your support, and all my best for this New Year.


p.s. I'm reading this most interesting book called: The Forest Unseen.  A man visits the same spot of forest over the course of a whole year, lyrically reporting what he finds happening. You'll learn a lot about how systems work together to move towards a balance that is never really arrived at, a dynamic flow of life. Hmmm, Sounds like our Yoga

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