I have a dream

Happy MLK JR day to you.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the first African American to be on the cover of Time Magazine, and the first to win a Nobel Prize.

He travelled over 6 million miles, speaking at 2,500 events before his death.

He was arrested 30 times, yet could not be silenced. There are 900+ streets named after him in the US.

Some say he was an extraordinary person, but he would say that he was just a man of conscience, speaking his heart and mind fearlessly. He knew what mattered most to him, and he served it with conviction. Peace and equality was his thing.

This is not a day off, but rather a day on. This day is set aside officially as a national day of Service.

Are you passionate about something, some cause, What do you know to be true that could have Martin’s level of conviction and courage? What’s your thing? And how much of your energy does it get?

You don’t have to go get arrested, or travel 6 million miles, but… What do you serve? What do you love? and will you go and serve it today? Small acts, done with great care, ripple forever.

Would love to hear what your ‘thing’ is, what do you serve? And, you can do this anonymously if you’d like…..

I’ll go first, I’m committed to speaking out for the animals and Mother Nature. I’m committed to waging peace through the classes I teach, and the presentations I give. I will continue as long as there is breath in my body. To add yours, click on the comment link, upper right hand corner of the post…

If you’re not sure what your thing is, And you definitely have a thing… I’d suggest you check out The Firestarter Sessions  Living in Seva, or selfless service brings the ultimate level of happiness for a human. But don’t take my word for it.

Om Shanti, I’ll see you in class.  -j

2 thoughts on “I have a dream”

  1. Would love to hear what your ‘thing’ is, what do you serve? And, you can do this anonymously if you’d like…..

    I’ll go first, I’m committed to speaking out for the animals and Mother Nature. I’m committed to waging peace through the classes I teach, and the presentations I give. I will continue as long as there is breath in my body.



  2. Hi John, We are committed to spreading the “new story” of connection, to offering glimpses of heartfelt experience of that connection, as we evolve from the “old story” of separation. Our life experiments, our offerings of dance, drumming and singing are all towards this intention.
    Arif and Amina

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