Happy Spring

tufted titmouse
Namaste and happy Spring. Sorry to those who couldn’t join us for our spring Restorative immersion, but space is limited, and I don’t wish to crowd the room. At one point in the deep relaxation, We listened to Vivaldi’s rendition of Spring as a meditation on love for life. You could have heard a pin drop as the whole room was enthralled. I love offering this practice, thank you for supporting it.

The bluebird project is well underway. An effort to preserve their habitat in our area. Soon I’ll have sponsor a nesting box information available, so that you can be a part. Many are reaching out to adopt a box in memory of a loved one. How sweet is that? Email me to hear about that sooner than later: eganvay @ Gmail.com

I hope that you can get outside soon, and be a witness to the flourishing of crocuses and other early birds of Spring. Our next Restore and Renew Yoga session will be offered on April 24th at 1pm in West Concord. hope that you can join us. see more on the events page.

Om Shanti,


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