Hang Time

Stepped out my front door on Saturday and swoosh, my feet went right out from under me.  

Down the stairs I went. I’d like to say that I landed in wheel pose, but no. I slammed down in an undignified heap on the ground. 

I immediately spouted something profane about the person who was supposed to clear the stairs. Of course it’s their fault, not mine…

I was able to right my mind stream before getting up, laughing at my automatic reaction of anger and finger pointing. Looking back, my mind was already in the car, and wondering how the roads were. Not being present landed me flat on my back.  ouch.
I had great hang-time though.
Larry Bird Hang Time
That moment in the air. Can remember the last time you slipped, had a near miss in the car, reached for your wallet and it wasn’t there, tripped on something, or watched the car door lock closed with your keys in the ignition? 
The split second before you react, that’s stillness, fully present in the moment. That’s what we’re moving towards in our Yoga and Meditation practice. More time in the present. Stretching out that stillness, so there’s time to choose an appropriate action instead of mindlessly reacting.
 No, don’t throw yourself down the stairs! but slow down! Notice more. A few times a day, just stop whatever you’re doing and notice the posture of your body, your mind, your breath. Then return to your task at hand with a renewed presence.  Practice…

 Great Lineup of workshops and events coming up!
Jan 31   Banish the Winter Blues class at Yoga and Nia for Life 12:30-2:30
Practices to reclaim your inner smile.
       Feb 15 Invoking Shiva, at Mystic Fitness in Framingham
1-3p learn the Shiva Namaskar, a challenging sequence. 
Feb 28 The Art of Nourishment. Acton. 1-4pm 
Conscious cooking, and eating event.  I’m really excited about this!
The room is beautiful, and Solar powered!
Amy is a professionally cooking teacher, and is just amazing with food.  We’ll practice in front of the fireplace, then hands-on learn to cook some beautiful dishes together.  We’ll then set a nice table and enjoy our abundant organic meal with gratitude.
Very-limited space, and spots are starting to go already.
Call or email me if you can join us for this very-special event.

Looking ahead:
March 21, Spring Equinox Yoga class at Yoga and Nia for Life. 1-3pm
Celebrate Spring Cleaning for the Heart and Hips.  More details soon!

Two New Group Classes:
Mondays, 6pm, Beginner Yoga, Yoga and Nia for Life.  (alternating weeks with Ren)
Tuesdays, 5pm a mindful-flow class at Lumina. non-heated.                           
I’m sub-teaching these classes:

 Sat Jan 17’th 10am Mystic Fitness in Framingham,  a hot, challenging class

Phew, there were 39 of us there last week, with 100% humidity!
Thanks to you all that came out for my subbing Amy’s class. 

Fri   Jan 23’rd 5:45pm at Global Fitness in Stow. A special chill-out class!  Do drop-in.

Sat, Feb 7,   8am Yoga and Nia for Life
Sun, Feb 8,   9am Yoga and Nia for Life
(Both are mindful-flow classes)

Om Shanti, I’ll see you in class.    -john

P.S.  Take off your Glasses and See was a fascinating read!   (thanks Susan)

I was also intrigued by:  The Oxford Project  A riveting look at small-town American life.

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