
Thanks to all who Joined us for the full-house Yoga of Sound workshop on Saturday.  I’m getting lots of great feedback along with requsts for more Kirtan and Movie nights.  Your presence makes these events possible.

The Namesake is one of my favorite films and the soundtrack is just stunning, it was a pleasure to watch it again with all of you.

Our next event is a Free Yoga Class with three teachers at Yoga and Nia for Life, December 6’th 12-2pm.  Bring a donation of food for the Food Pantry and get a great Yoga class!  

I’ll be warming us up with breathwork and gentle twists.  Kate will take over for a nice flow.  Natalie will then lead us through an amazing restorative series of postures, and ease us all into a nice long Shavasana.  Join us in helping to feed people.  You’ll be doing good, and feeling great.  find out more at the Yoga Events page  

We’ll end just in time for the Polar Bear Plunge at Walden Pond.  Yes, they go swimming to encourage education about global warming.  There’s a video of last years plunge on the page.

I wish you all a healthy, happy and compassionate holiday, I’ll be in retreat at the Ashram for the next five days, Susan Chorman is sub-teaching our classes on Monday.

Om Shanti,


p.s. Here’s the link for everyone who asked about the amazing soundtrack for The  Namesake    Amazon is promising great savings at their black friday sale . Hopefully that includes that yoga book or music you’ve been wanting to get.


Ani and will be back on December 21’st for the Annual Winter Solstice class, Let me know if you want me to hold a spot for you.

I’m planning the Second Annual Work Off the Fruitcake class the day after Christmas, and we’re looking at a New Years Day class as well.  details up on the web soon.   

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