For The Love of Birds

Yoga in Concord

Namaste.  This is Dee, she sometimes hops into my hand, and sometimes not. She always sings to me as I fill the feeders, and clean out the bird bath. While I’m not fluent in bird song, her melody sounds a lot like gratefulness. I express the same to her for our deepening friendship.
 In the Northeast, this extended wet and cold spring weather is very challenging for the birds at a very critical time. With babies in many nests they struggle all day to keep them fed and warm. The cold slows the insect blooms I’m told. If you feed the birds, please make sure to keep your feeders full the next few days. 
                                           New Class
I’ll be teaching the 8am West Concord Saturday Yoga class going forward. We started last week with a nice gathering of peaceful mindful Yogis and it was really nice to get our practice in early, setting a sweet tone for the whole day.
 Peace, I’ll see you in class, (We’re there at 4, and 6pm today) and thanks for helping our songbirds thrive. Please consider sharing this with a fellow bird lover, thanks.
P.S. I’ve reserved Sunday May 22nd, 1-3pm for our next Restorative Yoga immersion.  We’ve been filling up lately, to reserve your spot, email me or let me know in class.

4 thoughts on “For The Love of Birds”

  1. I heard an NPR story recently about the amazing language of birds. Wish I could understand them. But I DO know how much they appreciate the suet and bird feeders we keep out for them! Namaste.

  2. Marilyn Anderson

    I love the birds too.

    Do you have a suggestion of any books that describe the yoga positions and what the Yoga terms mean? I just saw your Yoga glossary and enjoyed reading it.


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