Dharma Mittra Yoga

Namaste!  A special treat this weekend:

Concord Dharma Mittra Yoga class in Massachusetts

This weekend, leading Yoga teacher Jessica Crow is Amtraking up from NYC, bringing her Dharma Mittra inspired Yoga to our small-town (but worldly) community. We'll learn a lot and get a taste of NYC Yoga. These classes will be especially good for teachers to attend, please help spread the word?

For those who like a more vigorous class – this Thursday night, May 10th:

 Jessica guest teaches john's 5:30pm Challenging Yoga class.

Jessica hails from the Dharma Mittra Yoga lineage. If you’ve seen the poster of the little man in the postures… yeah, that’s the one! Join us for this inspiring but accessible class!

Bring your playful adventurous spirit! and Jen and I will be there to practice with you all. Come learn how to ‘float’ with Jess!

Friday night May 11th 6:30-8:30pm – Special 'Satsang' gathering at YNFL

Please Join Jessica Crow, Durga Yoga teacher Jen Sundeen, and myself for a special Friday night Yoga and Music gathering:

A great opportunity for teachers, students, artists, musicians… Something for everyone:

Jessica, Jen, and i will weave teachings on the Koshas in with meditations, Pranayamas, Mantras, Mudras, and a brief Mellow Restorative Yoga session, leading into a decadent Yoga Nidra guided relaxation…

Upon rising We'll offer a few live music songs joining in a spirited kirtan and culminate in a powerful Trataka meditation. We have a nice outline planned, but much of this gathering will be a spontaneous wave of co-creation in the moment.

This unique Satsang will be Offered By Donation towards Jess' Amtrak ticket. Hope you can join us for this rare opportunity to experience Dharma Mittra inspired practices out our way.

We need more of these types of event in our community, Where we can gather, support each others journey, and have conversations that matter.

 Sunday AM May 13th Celebrate Mothers Day with us.

Jessica Crow and I will co-teach our Sunday morning Peaceful Yoga Practice at 9am. We'll be sure to infuse this nice Mother inspired practice with breathwork, meditation and some nice music.

Be sure to check out the events page for details on the in-depth classes and powerful inversion workshops Jessica will be offering this weekend. Friday Morning at Durga Yoga in Harvard, Ma, and Saturday afternoon at Mystic Fitness in Framingham.

Om Shanti. and please help spread the word? Forward this note to your friends and Yoga teachers who are looking for new juice in their teaching repertoire.  Check out the pictures of Jess Floating at the events page


P.S. For those who've been asking for more morning classes, I've added the 10am YNFL Tuesday morning class to my schedule, we started out last week with a nice group. Note that we start gathering at 10, but officially start class at 10:15. 

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