Concord Yoga Benefit

Kate, Natalie and I send our thanks for contributing to our wildly successful  Yoga benefit class for the Acton Food Pantry. This was a day about raising the bar of generosity. 

A record 45 people came to class at Yoga and Nia for Life in West Concord, MA. (edit… our new record as of 2011 is 65 people for Yoga class)

I led a brief meditation to get everyone centered, then Kate led a spirited flow of Elemental Yoga. Some of this Yoga was new to us, and the focus in the room was incredible. 

Natalie's guided restorative session led us into a Shavasana that was truly welcomed by all. After the sighs, You could've heard a pin drop as people soaked-up their practice in serene-stillness.

concord yoga class to benefit the food pantry

Food, food, and more food! We counted 70 bags that weighed an average of 13 pounds. When I sent the original invite How To Recession-proof your life, I asked that people offer-up their favorite foods. Add in the generous donations by Whole Foods of Wayland of a case of olive oil and some great sauces and we're around 1,000 pounds of food. A new record at the Acton Pantry

There's still some donations coming in, 100 more pounds and we're at half a ton!  (edit.. we did make it to 1/2 ton!) Just look at what a committed group of Yogis can do:

food raised by the concord MA yoga students

I appreciate your huge hearts and participation in our yoga benefit.  Bringing your favorite foods ensures a quality holiday dinner for many families in need.  You've made a measurable difference. Our next step is to embrace this level of generosity year-round.   

Thanks to Maria Skinner, owner of Yoga and Nia for Life for donating her beautiful practice space, Kate Millen for her skillful-compassionate teaching, Natalie Engler for easing us in for a peaceful landing, and Whole Foods of Wayland for their generous and thoughtful donation.    

But most of all, thanks to you all! We're blessed with the most amazing Yoga students in the MetroWest area. Your presence at these events makes our teachings possible.

Soooo, this does raise the bar a bit high, but I'm sure that together we can rise to it.  Keep an eye out for the next benefit at the Yoga Events Page, or subscribing to this Yoga blog's updates.

Om Shanti, I'll see you in class.


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