
Upon her return from our group retreat at Ananda Ashram, Bettina sent me this beautiful poem.

Ananda Ashram Yoga retreats with John

Arriving at the gate.
Wondering what lies beyond.
Here, now, later.

A time for inner silence and reflection.
Awakening to the surrounding sounds.
Sharing experiences in community.

Fire ceremonies mark beginnings and endings.
Meditation practice collectively quiets minds.
Yoga deepening and stretching our beings.
Sanskrit teachings, texts and chants.

Tears flowing as emotions are stirred.
Supportive surroundings offering comfort.
Feelings of being closely held and nurtured.
Opening to transforming possibilities.

Seeing what lies ahead.
Recognizing the bliss in just being.

-Bettina Messana is a Poet – Yogini –  and gifted professional organizer.  Thanks Bee.

(Click to subscribe to Bettina's daily poems)

This Coming Sunday, Ravi will be playing and singing for our 9am Peaceful Yoga class. Come a bit early, see you there. -j

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