A Clean Sweep

a clean sweep

One benefit of living on a busy street is that anything put out on the curb is gone in a flash. There’s no time to change my mind and get it back.

I’ve lived in the same place for some time now, and much has accumulated. While I have been open to the new coming into my life, there was no clear path out for what no longer had a place, the flow impeded by sheer busyness, and by my grasping for permanence. 

I imagine if Yoga had a currency it would say “In flow we trust” across the top. “let it come, let it go” across the bottom… and of course, a picture of Patanjali in the middle.

Over the last few months I’ve been earnestly clearing out, I came across a great book which helped me in the process of making space, not just in my home, but in my mind, and in my life:  Your Spacious Self: Clear Your Clutter and Discover Who You Are

How can I realize my abundance with all this stuff in the way?

Out onto the curb go the belongings, mementoes, and anchors that no longer serve a purpose, or bring joy. Sometimes I see the new owner from my window, loading my old relics/their new trophies, into their car and driving off. I make sure to wish them both well, the material has become very easy for me to let go of.

It’s happening, sometimes it’s scary. I started this outward flow, and who knows how deeply it will go. 

We’ve got so much invested in who we think we are, that there’s no room for who we’re becoming.

Old habits, no-longer friendly relationships, ideas, masks, and tendencies are going out onto the curb of my consciousness. Some by choice, some perhaps just getting caught-up in the outgoing tide. 

This is formidable, nobody takes these away. They were part of me, they defined me, and I am compelled by their gravitational pull. I’m practicing new ways of being, in hope that they take root.

The old us holds on for dear life, but the bold light of awareness loosens the grip.

As if by providence, I was sent two nutritional cleanse kits. One to give away, and one to try out and evaluate on my blog. They are from DrNatura, the Advanced Internal Cleansing Program.

Between the cleanse, some changed habits, a stronger practice, and a heartbreaking ‘growth opportunity’ that whacked my appetite, I’ve shed 18 pounds from my physical body, and much more than that energetically.

I can finally fit into the clothes that I gave away last month.

My part in the economic stimulus will be buying some new clothing. If you happen to make black Vegan tee shirts, expect a surge in sales this coming year.

I feel so far away from my teachers, but can hear them say “keep going.” Forgotten postures are revealing themselves from the dusty corners of my Yoga practice. There’s new space in my music, in my Pranayama.

I’m opening to new ideas in my writing, my practice, and in what I’ve been offering in classes, and our retreats. I’m bringing vibrant colors into my space, new art, and new possibilities. I’m eyeing a sweet little house that I just may move to.

Trying not to rewind, or fast forward, I sit still, sometimes squirming with what I’m missing, what is no longer. Some things baffle me, and just cannot be figured out, some things are clearly out of my hands. Gate Gate – Para Gate, Parasan Gate – Bodhi Swah. They feel so gone, beyond gone.

As Rilke alludes, “May you someday live into the meaning.”

Loosening my grip I look forward to the new that will surely come… but for now, I’ll sit with, and savor this beautiful space. Many thanks for sharing this journey with me.

We don’t have to wait till spring to start cleaning…

Just in time for New Years Resolutions, I’ve got this DrNatura nutritional cleanse to give away to a lucky reader. It’s the #1 rated kit, and has a retail value of $80. Here’s how we’ll do this. Make a comment on this post, let us know what you’re going to let go of in the coming year. A week into the new year I’ll choose one post randomly, and you’ll be well on your way to being shiny inside and out.

Om Shanti, I’ll see you in class, -j

P.S. We’ve got a great class raffle for January. Jason from Revolution Community Acupuncture is awarding one lucky Yogi three healing sessions. 23 chances to win this month. Also, please join us in ringing in the New Year with our Live Music Yoga Class – Sunday January 2nd 9am. West Concord.

12 thoughts on “A Clean Sweep”

  1. Gwenivere Lovewell

    Awesome post John..
    You just sparked my morning..
    Thank you for the generous contributions of your thoughts and transitions that so clearly share a hit of shakti, knowledge and understanding of this world.

  2. Close those eyes, sink into the silence…..there it ALL is. Nothing else no where, no how, no way defines “who” you are more perfectly than the perfect, brilliant stillness of just being.
    “You will come in due course to realize that your true glory lies where you cease to exist.’ Ramana Maharshi
    The physical trappings come and go. The perfect brilliant stillness is now and for always.
    My most profound wishes for you, John, that each day will be wrapped in gratitude for what is, right now, this second and that whatever needs healing is bathed gently in the light inside of you.
    “When you are very quiet you have arrived at the basis of everything.” Nisargadatta
    Bless the new “owners” of your cast-offs.

  3. John,
    This came just at the right time for me. On the brink of quitting smoking, looking around the house that was new and shiny a scant 15 months ago, now crammed with pieces of my old self yet to shed, new light and relationships flowing in, as old ones fall away. All I can say is thank you. And keep writing; you are shining.
    With love and wholeness,

  4. I have received some wonderful and much anticipated books as gifts this Christmas,,but, I can most assuredly tell you right now that none can or will be as inspirational and touching as what I just read in your message to us, A Clean Sweep!

  5. I will print this and pass it on to others. I will also ,,,yes, SAVE ,this and add it to my other special,,,and saved mementos. A golden message,,,keep writing to us,,,,thanks.

  6. My message got cut for some reason; here is the rest: On the topic of clutter: it becomes clutter when it has to go, when it came to us, it did not seem this way. I think the following quote from Nietzsche seems rather fitting. “Just as the bones and flesh are enclosed in a skin that makes a site of man endurable, so the agitation and passions of the soul are enveloped in vanity; it is the skin of the soul”.
    Happy New Year,

  7. John,
    I dropped an “n” somewhere in your class this evening and went briefly from Ann to ‘an’ (to breathe), an intention for 2011 and beyond. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  8. This is beautiful, John, thank you for sharing.

    I am grateful to be a part of this thoughtful yoga community we all have a share in creating.
    To the new year and all it has to offer each of us personally and as a community.


  9. This year I will let go of binders, paperwork, clothing and other things that I cling to, and when it turns out that I need those particular items the following month, I will giggle at Murphy’s Law and begin anew. “In Flow We Trust”… thank you for that!
    I will let go of my need to know the answer before one is available to be known. I will enjoy the lessons that are revealed within the yoga practice and then again long after my time on the mat is over.
    Thank you John for your heartfelt post. Awesome reading and just what I needed.

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