Finding a New Home

Hello,  Sorry to have been out of touch for so long. I’ve been surfing some upheavals and doing my best to get things in my life back in some sort of order. If you have not heard the news, Our humble little practice space in West Concord has one week to go. I am moving our classes as I find new homes for them. 

So far the plan is that starting on Sunday November 10th, our 9am class will begin to meet at Emerson Umbrella for the Arts in downtown Concord. It’s a beautiful new room and we’ll make a go of it there. (40 Stow St, Concord, MA)

Monday 9:30am at Half Moon Hill in Acton will pause for one week, (November 4th, no class) then continue on as scheduled. Starting November 11th, We’ll also be adding a Monday Noontime class at the Emerson Umbrella for the Arts which might have to slip to 12:15. 

 Starting November 12th, Our Tuesday 10:15am class will be moving to On Your Toes Dance Studio, which is across the street from the Stop and Shop plaza on Route 62. It’s a beautiful spot overlooking the river.  (77 Powdermill Rd, Acton. MA)

Our other classes will pause for now as I continue to meet with other places of possibility.

 I know this is a big loss for many people. I am sorry for the disruption, the changes. I did not choose this, I do not want this, but this is what is happening. Ive been sharing the motto of the Outward Bound outdoors adventure people. “If you can’t get out of it, get into it.” So that’s what I will do. I hope that I can continue to share my insights with you all for many years to come.

Enjoy the very moving video of divers trying to help a baby octopus find a new and proper home posted below this note. So amazing.

In profound thanks for your years of support, send me an email if you have any questions


p.s.  On Sunday November 10th at Noontime, our quarterly Neck and Shoulder Mobility focus class will meet at the Steinberg Wellness Center of Emerson Hospital. You’re welcome to join us. I’ll be starting to offer more sessions in their big beautiful room.

That is one of the sweetest things I’ve seen all year. I hope you enjoy this beautiful day and if I don’t see you over the course of this last week of West Concord classes, I hope that you can find your way to one of our new homes soon.  Peace,  -John

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